Friday, September 09, 2005

Ethical Concerns with Wireless

At the end of class last week, I was asking one of our members about her wireless laptop. She had mentioned that she can pick up others access because there are so many people that do not put up their safety net. I had mentioned this to our CTT who indicated that there are 10 people in his neighborhood who all have wireless and do not make any attempt to protect themselves. In fact, one of his neighbors even offered him to use his wireless connection! I was discussing this with our techno AP who said his sister lives in an apartment and does not pay for a connection because she can tap into neighbors in the building.

To quote Hadi: That's why it's very important to activate encryption on any WiFi network. Just like when you leave the house you lock the door, do the same with your network.

I want to purchase my very own wireless laptop and so I do not have to rely on the school. So I have been researching which laptop to purchase as well as the security software to protect my investment.


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