Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Blogging at work

As write this, I am blogging at work having just checked my account at bloglines. In Wired News, the article described how several corporations have implemented anti-blogging policies in the work environment. Many employees say that no all blogs should be off-limits because many blogs can be places for employees to resolve issues on work projects; however, employers maintain that some items that employees wish to share in a blog may be sensitive material that in the wrong hands could cost the company millions of dollars.

I thought some of the replies to the article intersting such as:

Blog" is just the beginning. If you think text is controversial, wait until the audio and video blogs catch up. ... soon you're going to have to filter out "podcast" ( http://www.podcastalley.com/ ) and as it grows "vlog" and "Videocasting" ( http://www.vobbo.com/ ) as well.

Another reply stated the following:

So do these corporations serve as the line in the sand regarding companies leveraging employees to perform PR through corporate or personal blogs? Google will use Joe Programmer to spin perspective on Google Print, while an online discount broker will do whatever is necessary to not only outlaw employees blogging, but browsing blogs as well? It'll be interesting to see how all of this plays out it cubicle-land.


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