Saturday, July 29, 2006

Example of Servant-Leadership

This article on a school district that is purchasing a house for homeless high school students is an excellent example of servant-leadership that Robert Greenleaf would advocate for:

The Maplewood-Richmond Heights district recently made a down payment on a $250,000 home in a quiet, working-class neighborhood near the high school. A church has agreed to staff it with pastors in training and an area hospital would provide a therapist.

School Superintendent Linda Henke said the idea has probably crossed the minds of school administrators and teachers who encounter homeless students every school year. But making it a reality, Henke said, is far more difficult.

Many communities are seeing the homeless population rise. I was quite impress with this school district's role in tackling the problem. Perhaps instead of buying bricks, we should have coroporate sponsors put down payments on houses for our homeless students to give them some stability in their lives.


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