Sunday, July 01, 2007

Schools and Race

This past week's Supreme Court 5-4 decision in regards to using race to integrate schools in Kentucky and Washington has certainly sparked debate among school boards in how should schools deal with their demographics. One suggestion that keeps being suggested is using economic levels; however, I can see that even being an issue. The only students that may have income reported are those that apply for free/reduce breakfast and lunch programs. Will school now have to have families report incomes to adjust their demographics? It does not seem that middle-class and weathy families would want to do be forking out copies of their tax-returns to public schools. It is agreed that there will be litigation on this topic on the near future epecially from those that may not want to move to their new school.

Justice Stephen Breyer wrote the dissent opinion for the Court. "To invalidate the plans under review is to threaten the promise of Brown." We will have to see in the next couple of year what changes are made to school board policies and any new challenges that might be coming to the high Court.


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